About Us & Objectives of AEI
The influence of the International Air Transport Association (I.A.T.A.) and indeed individual national airlines was and remains tremendous. Regrettably however, several airworthiness authorities displayed a willingness to abdicate their statutory responsibility for airworthiness standards in favour of IATA’s policies.
Fortunately, Licensed Engineers throughout the world recognise the threat to air safety which existed in such a policy and joined together to prevent its implementation. An international consortium, the Aircraft Engineers International (AEI), was formed and its constitution established at an international conference in Sydney, Australia in October of 1971. Its headquarters were based in Sydney and its Secretary’s Office provided by the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers’ Association.
AEI was created as a non-political, non-profit making and non-sectarian organisation.
To be industrial, technical and to cover matters of a professional and ethical nature.
To monitor all occurrences in world aviation, including any matter which may appear unrelated, but which may indicate a definite pattern of dilution of air safety, aircraft maintenance engineer status and any undesirable inroads into existing world licensing systems.
The only global voice for Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer organisations and their members by providing representation, services, and support to promote the highest level of aviation safety worldwide.
With AEI only concerning itself with the interests of air safety, aviation maintenance and maintenance qualified personnel throughout the world.
Over forty years later AEI remains the only world-class voice representing the interests of Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers.
a) To encourage co-operation between Affiliates and along with the objectives in the following paragraphs assist in the resolution of Affiliates Industrial problems.
b) To protect, promote, represent and develop the industrial, professional, ethical, and other interests of Affiliates and their respective members in matters affecting air safety, aviation maintenance and the status of aircraft maintenance qualified civil aviation personnel throughout the world.
c) To establish communication between Affiliates and their representatives on a regular basis tomonitor all trends within the aircraft maintenance industry, adverse or otherwise.
d) To encourage the reporting between Affiliates on all occurrences in world aviation including any issue which may appear to be unrelated,but which may indicate a definite pattern of dilution of air safety, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer status and anyundesirable trends within existing licensing systems.
e) To organise the imposition of Sanctions where lawful, on named operators who are in dispute with an Affiliate; such sanctions to be implemented at the request of the nominated international representative of the Affiliate in the country of dispute.
f) To indemnify the members or officers of AEI against losses, damages, costs, and demands made against them in respect of any authorised act or omission actioned by them in the course of their official duties for AEI, to the extent that such indemnity is not prohibited by law.
g) To action such things (on a non-political and non-sectarian basis) that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them as may be deemed by the Executive Board to beadvisablein the interests of the Affiliates or their members or to be calculated directly or indirectly to benefit AEI orany Affiliate or their members.